ZOOLOGIA – an International Journal for Zoology

Submissões de manuscritos devem ser efetuadas exclusivamente através do sistema de submissão online (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/zool-scielo).


Manuscript submissions only through the online submission system (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/zool-scielo).


Year Vol. Number
2024 41 1 2 3 4 5 6
2023 40 1 2 3 4 5 6
2022 39 1 2 3 4 5 6
2021 38 1 2 3 4 5 6
2020 37 1 2 3 4 5 6
2019 36 1 2 3 4 5 6
2018 35 1 2 3 4 5 6
2017 34 1 2 3 4 5 6
2016 33 1 2 3 4 5 6
2015 32 1 2 3 4 5 6
2014 31 1 2 3 4 5 6
2013 30 1 2 3 4 5 6
2012 29 1 2 3 4 5 6
2011 28 1 2 3 4 5 6
2010 27 1 2 3 4 5 6
2009 26 1 2 3 4

About the Journal

ZOOLOGIA, formerly Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, the Journal of the Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (SBZ), publishes original scientific articles on Zoology, prepared solely in English, authored by members and non-members of the Society. Members of the SBZ publish free of charge, whereas non-members are required to pay page charges, as indicated in the updated price list published in the Society’s web site.



LATEST CONCISE VERSION IS ONLINE. GO TO: SBZ Concise Copyediting Guidelines (PDF file)


Basic information

Aim and scope

Zoologia (Curitiba) is an international journal on zoological research that is published by the Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia. Original publications by scientists and researchers from Brazil and abroad on the various areas of zoological sciences are accepted, such as: systematics, evolution, taxonomy, nomenclature, biogeography, morphology, physiology, biology, ecology, symbiosis, conservation, behavior, genetics, and allied areas. Extensive reviews or articles on current topics in zoology will be published by invitation in the Invited Review section.
Since its foundation in 1982, a total of 25 volumes were published under the name Revista Brasileira de Zoologia (ISSN 0101-8175 and 1806-969X). With the goal of broadening its international visibility, starting in 2009, it began to be called ZOOLOGIA – An International Journal for Zoology while keeping the original volume and issue numbering.
Its abbreviated title is Zoologia (Curitiba), which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.


ZOOLOGIA adopts a continuous flow of publication (rolling pass) in one annual volume. Articles will be published immediately after the final corrections of the master proof have been made.
Open Access Policy: All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. ZOOLOGIA is published under the Open Access model and is therefore free for anybody to read and download, and to copy and disseminate for educational purposes. Under the Open Access model authors retain copyright.

Publication Cost Contribution (fees)

The Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia provides progressive discounts to members according to their membership time. Non-members have the option either to cover the Publication Cost Contribution of R$ 800.00 (US$ 250.00 for foreign authors) per article of up to 50 published pages, or request Society for discount or waiver before submission. The detailed payment policies are also published in the Society’s homepage (http://sbzoologia.org.br/revista-zoologia.php – item Contribuição ao Custeio de Publicação).

Indexing sources

Articles published in ZOOLOGIA are indexed or presented as abstracts in:
BHL Citebank
Biological Abstracts*
BIOSIS Previews*
British Library
CAB Abstracts
Current Contents*
Google Scholar
Library of Congress
Microsoft Academic
ProQuest (Natural Science Collection)
Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO)
Science Open
Web of Science*
Zoological Record*
*Integrated to the Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science


Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (SBZ)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

Instructions to authors


ZOOLOGIA, the scientific journal of the Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (SBZ), publishes original articles on Zoology authored by both members and non-members of the Society. Manuscripts should have a scientific character. A priori, the following types of articles are not acceptable for publication: simple occurrence notes, new records (e.g.geographical, host), notes on distribution, case studies, species lists, or merely descriptive studies, unless very well qualified by the authors. Justifications should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief before submission. Short communications are acceptable, whereas review articles will be considered by direct invitation. Manuscripts will be analyzed by at least two ad hoc Reviewers, and the decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be based on the recommendations by the Associate Editor and the ad hoc Reviewers.


For a manuscript to be submitted to ZOOLOGIA, it is required that: 1) all authors approved the submission; 2) the results or opinions therein are original; 3) the manuscript has not been published before, is not currently under review by other journal, and will not be submitted elsewhere unless it was rejected by ZOOLOGIA or removed from the reviewing process by written notification to the Editor-in-Chief; 4) it was prepared according to the Instructions to Authors; 5) if accepted for publication and published, the article or part of it will not be published elsewhere unless there is written permission by the Editor-in-chief; 6) the reproduction and use of articles published in ZOOLOGIA is allowed for demonstrated educational and non-commercial purposes. All remaining uses require agreement and fees will be applied when appropriate; 7) the publication and page charges and review fees are agreed upon by the authors; 8) the authors are entirely responsible for the scientific and grammatical content of the article; 9) the authors agree with additional fees whenever a revision of the English grammar is deemed necessary.


The manuscript should be written exclusively in English. To avoid delays in publication, we suggest that, before it is submitted, the manuscript should be reviewed by a specialist in the field who is a native speaker. After recommendation for publication, the manuscript will be reviewed and a final revision of the language might be requested.


Opinion, Review, Research Articles and Short Communication.

Article processing charges (fees)

ZOOLOGIA publishes original scientific articles on Zoology, authored by members and non-members of the Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (SBZ). SBZ provides progressive discounts to members according to their membership time. Non-members have the option either to cover the Article Processing Charges of R$ 800.00 (US$ 250.00 for foreign authors) per article of up to 50 published pages, or request SBZ for discount or waiver before submission. The detailed payment policies are also published in the Society’s homepage (http://sbzoologia.org.br/revista-zoologia.php – item Page Charges).


Only online submissions will be accepted, through the following address: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/zool-scielo. Using this submission system, you can submit the manuscript and monitor its status during the editorial process, ensuring speed and privacy in the manuscript submission and accelerating the review process.
The manuscript should be prepared according to the Author Guidelines.
When submitting a manuscript to the journal, the authors should acknowledge that, if accepted for publication, all content of the journal, except where identified, will be licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. The journal will not deny legitimate request by the authors to reproduce their work.
For more information on the format and style of ZOOLOGIA, please check a recent issue of the journal or its website at https://www.scielo.br/j/zool. Additional information can be obtained from the editors or through the email sbz@sbzoologia.org.br.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

General orientations

Manuscripts should be prepared solely in American English. Manuscript submission to ZOOLOGIA is available online only at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/zool-scielo. The system is user-friendly and allows authors to monitor the submission process. All documents should be prepared with a word-processor software (preferably MS Word or compatible).
ZOOLOGIA refrains from publishing simple occurrence notes, new records (e.g. geographic, host), distribution notes, case studies based on observation of few specimens, list of species, and similar purely descriptive studies, unless well justified by the authors. Justification should be sent prior submission to the Managing Editor. 


Manuscripts are received by ZOOLOGIA with the understanding that:
– all authors have approved submission;
– the results or ideas contained therein are original;
– the paper is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and will not be submitted elsewhere unless rejected by ZOOLOGIA or withdrawn by written notification to the Managing Editor;
– the manuscript has been prepared according to these instructions to authors;
– if accepted for publication and published, the article, or portions thereof, will not be published elsewhere unless consent is obtained in writing from the Managing Editor;
– reproduction and fair use of articles in ZOOLOGIA are permitted provided the intended use is for nonprofit educational purposes. All other use requires consent and fees where appropriate;
– the obligation for page charges and text revision fees is accepted by the authors.
– the authors are fully responsible for the scientific content and grammar of the article.
– the authors agree with additional fees associated with English revisions, if necessary. 

Author guidelines

Before proceeding with submission, authors should consult and follow the detailed instructions for formatting the manuscript at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/societyimages/zool-scielo/Author_Guidelines_May_2021.pdf and/or https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/societyimages/zool-scielo/Concise_Copyediting_Instructions_May2021.pdf

Evaluation procedures

Manuscripts submitted to ZOOLOGIA will be initially evaluated by the Administrative Editor for adequacy (for the scope) and formatting. A first evaluation of the English (if it is the case) is performed also at this moment by the Language Editor. Manus¬cripts with problems may be returned to the authors. The Administrator forwards the manuscript to the Managing Editor which will the adequate Section Editor. The Subject Editor sends the manuscript to Reviewers. The copies of the manuscript with the Reviewers’ comments and the Section Editor’s decision will be returned to the corresponding author for evaluation. The authors have up to 30 days to respond or comply with the revision and return revised version of the manuscript to the adequate area of the electronic system. Once approved, the original manuscript, Reviewers comments, Section Editor’s comments, together with the corrected version and the respective figure files, properly identified, are returned to the Managing Editor. Exceptionally, the Managing Editor may, after consultation with the Subject Editors, modify the recommendation of the Reviewers and Subject Editor, based on adequate justification. Later changes or additions to the manuscript may be rejected. A copyedited version of the manuscript is sent to authors for approval. This version represents the last chance for the author to make any substantial changes to the text, as the next stage is restricted to typographic and formatting corrections. Electronic proofs will be submitted to the corresponding author prior to publication for approval.


The corresponding author will receive an electronic reprint (in PDF format) after publication. Authors may print and distribute hardcopies of their article on demand. Authors may also send the electronic file to individuals, as one would send a printed reprint. However, we would appreciate if you refrain from distributing PDF files via discussion groups and bulk-mail systems. It is important for ZOOLOGIA that users access the journal homepage at https://www.scielo.br/zool for statistical purposes. By doing this, you are helping increase the indexes of quality of ZOOLOGIA.

Voucher and Type specimens

Specimens including types (where appropriate) or vouchers that have received authoritative identification are the foundations for all biological studies from taxonomy and systematics to ecology and biogeography and including all aspects of biodiversity survey and inventory. Representative individuals (or parts of entire specimens that retain diagnostic information for identification) used in any study reported in the Journal should be deposited in a recognized biological collection, so that such are freely available to the research community. Vouchers should also be deposited to substantiate records of sequence data in all molecular studies (e.g., phylogeography and diagnostics), and ideally the physical voucher should be the remaining portion(s) of individual specimens that have been processed for DNA extraction. It is recommended that such specimens not be limited to the holotype and a limited number of paratypes in descriptions, or relatively few specimens derived from survey or from ecological studies. It is a requirement of ZOOLOGIA that all manuscripts must document the collection(s) where the specimens (types or vouchers) are deposited along with their respective catalogue or accession numbers in those repositories.

Submission of manuscripts

Only online submissions will be accepted, through the following address: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/zool-scielo.




Concise Instructions to Authors (latest version - May 2021 - in PDF)

Associe-se agora mesmo!

Sendo associado da SBZ você terá o direito de publicar na Revista ZOOLOGIA (nova designação para a Revista Brasileira de Zoologia a partir de 2009) que a partir desse ano aceitará trabalhos em fluxo contínuo e será publicada exclusivamente de forma online.